07 January 2012

Discover | Yarnia, Portland, Oregon

I love Portland for many many reasons; but this last visit made me fall into a deeper love affair with this beautiful city. 

Why? because something epic is happening in the craft world. 

Something magical. 

A DIY yarn store called Yarnia

Source: www.yarniapdx.com
The shelves are filled with the most amazing cones of color. Every color you can imagine in  many different types of fibers. From cotton, wool, rayon to silk, cashmere and merino; all in single filaments!

How does it work? You pick your own fibers, colours + weight and they wind up your custom cone in whatever amount you need (charged by the pound!). 

Source: www.yarniapdx.com
Once you have chosen your unique combination of yarn, Lindsay (owner), will thread them onto a industrial-ish machine, flip the switch and spin them all onto a cardboard cone. In a matter of minutes, my little combination was completed.

Source: www.yarniapdx.com

Lindsay's revolutionary store pays tribute to Montreal's La Bobineuse de Laine which she explains in the "About" section of the website.

Stumped with colour combinations? There are cones that are premade with swatches to show you how it will turn out. 

Not sure how your color combination will turn out? Try it out: Yarnia provides crochet hooks + knitting needles for you to work up a little swatch. 

Is Portland too far? Yarnia has an amazing online shop that sells all their pre-made cones.

Oh. But you are interested in making your own custom yarn online? YOU CAN DO THAT TOO! On the Yarnia Custom Yarn Creator! It even gives you a little snapshot of what your creation will look like.

If you are a fibre-feen you must go. If I haven't fully convinced you, visit their website.

In the words of Lindsay: Come, lets make yarn.

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